Electronic invoice program from Matex

Your best way to prepare the electronic invoice and sign it electronically, and then send and receive it and verify its authenticity and authenticate it through the Egyptian Tax Authority system.

Sending invoices and verifying that the electronic invoice is approved by the Tax Authority

Open broad horizons for your business and enable you to manage your business. The electronic invoice program is distinguished by registering all invoices and customer accounts, sending them, confirming them, and approving them from the Egyptian Tax Authority.

Frequently Asked Questions About Electronic Invoicing

Your company is safe with electronic invoice software

Sending invoices and verifying that the electronic invoice is approved by the Tax Authority

What are the conditions for the electronic invoice?

The invoice or receipt must be an original and a copy.
The invoice or receipt is serially numbered according to the dates it was issued.
Serial number of the invoice or receipt.
Release Date.
The name, address and registration number of the financier or taxpayer.
The buyer's name, address and registration number
Statement of the sold good or service
Any other data specified by the executive regulations of this law.

What are the requirements for an electronic invoice?

A unique identification number for each invoice
Integration with ERP software.
All invoices are issued in a unified form
Create a digital file for the taxpayer
Availability of electronic signature
Ability to issue and modify invoices
Providing unified coding for different goods and services

What are the steps to register for the electronic invoice?

The first step in making an electronic invoice is to register in the electronic system of the Tax Authority by sending a request via e-mail and attaching some necessary documents, which are:
A copy of the authorization request approved by the company with a bank signature
A copy of the national ID card
A copy of the tax registration certificate
A copy of the tax card

The taxpayer receives a message with the date for registering the digital file and goes to the tax office to submit the originals of the attached documents.

Are there fees for subscribing to the electronic invoice service?

There are no fees for subscribing to the electronic invoice organization, but there are fees for various services such as subscription fees for the electronic signature and the unified coding system if the company does not already have a unified coding system.
Each taxpayer within the electronic system has his own digital file through which he can deal with the Egyptian Tax Authority.
We have different packages to suit all categories and businessmen.
We help you to easily register in the billing system and obtain the electronic signature and electronic seal.
Join the invoice program and avoid the electronic invoice fine.

Why invoice software from Matix

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