Asset Management Software is a computer system that aims to organize and track all assets owned by a company or enterprise in an effective and orderly manner.

asset register

Registration of assets of different types with charge to cost centers (projects or sections) and depreciation ratios


Specify the asset’s age and the program will automatically create monthly depreciation restrictions until the asset value expires

Purchase and receipt of assets

Buy from suppliers and receive assets in stores with barcode printing and link to RFID chips

asset inventory

You can manually inventory assets anytime or using Data Collectors Or RFID devices

Selling, damaging and evaluating

The asset can be completely or partially destroyed or reassessed with the creation of accounting restrictions automatically

Schedule maintenance and repairs

Follow-up periodic maintenance and repairs with charges on assets

Contract and Guarantee Management

Maintenance, Contract, Licensing, Insurance and Rent Alerts


Attach documents and notes to assets, contracts, licenses and insurance.

Track location and status

Registration of exit, entry and transfer of assets from one cost centre to another (section or project)

leasing assets

Registration of rent data and follow-up exit and entry


The asset can be reassessed according to market price with automatic recording of accounting restrictions


A wide range of comprehensive asset reports and asset analysis, maintenance costs and value

Free trial
14 days